Non-major classes

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  • Black and White Photography 1: offered by CFA and it’s one of the most fun and interesting course I’ve ever taken. You get to learn how to use 35mm film cameras, develop film in dark room and print photos on photographic paper in the dark room. The projects are very fun and the class has students from very different departments making it very diverse
  • Beginning Golf: they have a simulator in Skibo gym that you’ll get to use and its good to learn golf as an absolute beginner
  • The Beatles (57-209): An analysis course on the music and influence of the band. If done right you’ll end up listening to a couple of albums a week. If you are an ardent fan, the class fills you in on a lot of small tidbits and nuggets. If you aren’t, I would assume you are in for a bigger treat
  • Intermediate swimming: called swimming for stroke improvement, is solid. Note that you need a fairly good swimming skill to enroll in this class, not for absolute beginners
  • Intro to freestyle rap, Negotiations, and CSD’s Queuing Theory class (called Performance Modeling)
Non-major classes